Assessment for Learning Resource Bank

Web-based Learning and Teaching Support

Learning and Teaching Activity –  A Study Tour to New Zealand



Learning Targets for Key Stage 3:

KSa - To provide or find out, select, organize and present information on familiar and less familiar topics
KSb - To interpret and use more extensive information through processes or activities
KSd - To identify and define problems from given information, consider related factors, solve the problems and explain the solutions

Learning Objectives:

Text Types



Language Skills


Generic Skills


Documents for a study tour:

confirmation slip, self-addressed envelope, cheque, passport, etc.

Personal information:

allergic, Buddhism, religious reasons, independent, etc.


departure, arrival, Hong Kong International Airport, etc.


Locate Information and Ideas

?      scan a text to locate specific information by using strategies such as looking at headings and repeated words

?      skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas

?   identify details that support a main idea


Reading (Key Stage 3)

Understand, Interpret and Analyze Different Written Texts

?      make use of knowledge of the world to make sense of the written text

?      acquire, extract and organize information relevant to specific tasks identify implied meanings through inferencing






solving skills


Related Basic Competency Descriptors:

L6-R-1-S3BC: Using an increasing range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of texts with some degree of complexity
L6-R-2-S3BC: Extracting and organizing information and ideas from texts with some degree of complexity





For students'self-access

Part 1 - Part 5



This task consists of 5 parts. The following texts are included in the Data File: (in Word format)

1.      A letter of acceptance with a confirmation slip attached to it

2.      An extract from an application form

3.      Two pages extracted from a passport

4.      Pre-tour briefing notes


Task Description:

You are Crystal, a Secondary 3 student who has been accepted to join a study tour to New Zealand. You are going to do 5 tasks to prepare for the tour based on the information in the Data File.(in Word format - student version, teacher version).


Part 1: Complete the confirmation slip attached to the letter of acceptance issued by AF Exchange



Part 2: Complete the cheque which you will send to AF Exchange Tour as deposit


Part 3: Complete the self-addressed envelope for future correspondence.


Part 4: Check your passport and decide whether you should renew it.


Part 5: Read the pre-tour briefing notes and decide what you should bring for the tour










The Data File and the tasks are available for printing.
