Assessment for Learning Resource Bank

Web-based Learning and Teaching Support

Learning and Teaching Activity – Finding Poemland


Learning Targets for Key Stage 3:

EDa - To develop a response to imaginative literature including poems through activities such as identifying and discussing themes and understanding and appreciating the effect of sound patterns including rhythm and rhyme
EDb - To respond to characters, events and issues in imaginative and other narrative texts through written means, such as, making predictions and inferences, making evaluative comments and relating to one's experience

Learning Objectives:

Text Types


Language Items and Communicative Functions

Language Skills

Generic Skills


Terms related to poetry: Rhyme, onomatopoeia, alliterations, repetition, stanza

Vocabulary items:
Identical, twins, frown, mess, confusion, illusion, scowl, din, grin, commits, sin


- Use adjectives, adverbs, formulaic phrases, etc., to make comparisons and give descriptions of processes and situations


- Use the simple present tense, gerunds, conditionals, etc., to make general statements about the world and "universal truths"


- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking

- Creativity
- Problem solving skill
- Study skill

Relevant Basic Competency Descriptors:

L5-L-1-S3BC: Understanding the use of a range of language features in simple literary / imaginative spoken texts
L6-R-1-S3BC: Using an increasing range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of texts with some degree of complexity
L5-R-3-S3BC: Understanding the use of a range of language features and other techniques to present themes, characters, experiences and feelings in simple literary / imaginative texts


L6-S-1-S3BC: Pronouncing familiar and less familiar words generally clearly and accurately
L6-S-2-S3BC: Using a range of delivery techniques (including stress, rhythm and intonation) to convey meaning generally appropriately with the help of cue


Level of Difficulty - Preliminary to S3BC (at S1 level)
- To S3BC (at S1 to S2 level)
- At S3BC (at S3 level)





Available for Self Learning

Part 1

An Interactive Activity:
1.  Knowledge building:
There is a sample poem including rhymes,  alliteration and repetition that help students to understand the use of the language features of poetry.

2. Appreciation:
Students are asked to read the poem aloud in order to appreciate the language features that are presented in the text.

3. Understanding and comprehension:
Questions are set to test students' comprehension of the sample poem.

4. Practice and application:
There are exercises for students to apply or familiarize with the introduced language features of poetry (i.e. rhymes, alliteration, repetition and onomatopoeia).


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