The Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS) website is set up by the Education Bureau (EDB). It is an integral part of the BCA project. It aims to support teachers in providing timely assistance to students who need help in achieving the Basic Competencies (BCs) in the Key Learning Areas of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics.

- Some of the interactive games are temporarily unavailable due to the updating process.
- Information of TSA Seminars by HKEAA
- More about 3-D Figures:Projections and Angles (S3 Math,Nov 14 revised)
- Mathematics GeoGebraBooks (Secondary)
- 數學科GeoGebraBooks 電子書(小學)
- Seminar on Enhancement Measures of the TSA
- Listening tasks developed by CEM Centre of Durham University
- Speaking tasks developed by CEM Centre of Durham University
- 說話加油站(第一、二學習階段)
- 「閱我深情」教學材料(第二學習階段)
- 「寫作真功夫──審題功(第二學習階段)」
- 「寫作真功夫──分段功(第一、二學習階段)」
- Sight Word Park (Key Stage 1)
- Hong Kong Adventure (Key Stage 2)
- Super Word Kid (Key Stage 2)
Publication: Assessment & Learning (Issue 3), (Issue 2), (Issue 1)